Okay, So What's The Best Way?
342779.html Dec 04 00:06:18 foonixx: I'm not familiar enough with the whole android UI design to know what would be best, but it seems to me that there should be some kind of message that can go from your network code to your UI code that'd run in the UI thread, so that when receiving that message you'd always be able to know exactly what state your UI is in. It feels dirty. Dec 03 23:59:39 Probably better to have a (ahem) "controller" object somewhere responsible for arbitrating which application state changes (call it the "model", just because) should apply to which current views are active. 1 browser. it appeared to propogate the hash in the link but clicking the forum's 'activate' button in browser failed over and over. The only thing is (apart from imagination), how can she actually hear the babies talk normal English over the phone, since the babies still can't actually talk? Since then, of course, travel in Egypt has been next to ...